
40 Free Career Change Cover Samples

Free Career Change Cover Samples Presentation
Free Career Change Cover Samples Presentation

There are tons of reasons people might want to change careers, but it’s not an easy thing to do for anyone. How would you convince their HR department to hire you after you ditched your other job? Well, that’s where a career change cover letter can help cover you up.

But writing a career change cover letter won’t help you much because you’ll be competing against competitors who know what they’re doing.

As such, your career change cover letter must convince your employers that you’re the best fit for the job out of the other applicants. In this article, we’ll learn how to make one yourself.

Tips for Writing a Career Change Cover Letter

Despite reading this article, you might still wonder: Is a career change cover letter really important? Yes, it’s very important when you want to change your career.

Hiring managers view applicants with little to no industry experience as a risk and liability, so what should you do then? You need to be persuasive.

Your career change cover letter and career change resume will be the things that seal the deal for you getting that new job. Ease their concerns through your writing, and prove that you’ll become a valuable asset for their team.

So, with that out of the way, let’s start with the first tip

1. Highlight your transferable skills

Don’t worry, even if you’ve never held a position in your desired field. You still have lots of other skills to offer. No matter where your experience may lie, people will likely have honed their soft skills without even realizing it, which is vital to any job in the industry.

Here are some of the most versatile soft skills that could help your career change cover letter

  • Communication skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Creativity
  • The ability to work independently

You may also have technical skills that can be applied to your new job. For example, if you have experience with certain computer programs, note them on your resume and then elaborate and explain them in your career change cover letter.

Some of the technical skills that may help you include:

  • Data analysis.
  • Budget management
  • Research
  • Technical writing
  • Agile project management

Remember that resumes and career change cover letters are tracked by applicant tracking systems. As such, it’s worthwhile to incorporate keywords from the job description into your cover letter to ensure that someone sees your application.

It’s also important to understand what a cover letter means to you. While a resume is usually just a snapshot of your employment history, your cover letter provides a platform to detail your experiences and sell yourself as a worthwhile candidate.

2. Explain Why You’re Changing Career

In a world where everyone tries their hardest to climb the corporate ladder, your choice to suddenly change careers will undoubtedly raise questions you must be prepared to answer.

In your career change cover letter, be honest about why you’re changing directions. Avoid using negative terms to describe your previous endeavors. Instead, identify the aspects you enjoyed in your previous job and how they can connect to your future career.

Common questions to start answering are: What drew you in this particular direction? Is it because of current events or the discovery of your newfound passion? Whatever your reasoning for the questions above, be honest with the HR department, and you’ll earn points to help you get hired.

3. Show passion

Employers don’t just look at applicants’ skills to determine whether they’re cut out for the job. If you’ve got amazing skills but no passion for the job that you’re doing, you might as well be deadweight to them.

This becomes even more apparent since you just left your previous career. You need to prove to them that the direction you’re hoping for is the right one and the one that you’re passionate about.

Most hiring managers will only be interested if you seem like the tentative type. You also really don’t want to come off as someone who’s a serial career changer. So, use your career change cover letter to let them know of your passion, and then back it up with anecdotal support if needs be.

Tell the story behind your decision to change direction. When explaining your transition to a new career, focus on your excitement about your newfound passions.

If you’ve also been reading industry-related books, volunteering for a relevant cause, or even taking classes, share your experiences with your employer and show them what you’ve learned during those endeavors.

4. Prove that you understand the company.

Yes, passion is a great thing to include in your career change cover letter, but employers will also want to know why your company is the one you’re choosing and why it’s the best fit for your transition.

So, choose your career change cover letter template from the one that best suits the job you’re applying for. After all, being genuine about why a company is attracted to you is essential to getting the job.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that hiring managers have read through thousands of resumes and cover letters.

This means they can see right through a generic one-size-fits-all letter, which could lead to them ignoring yours since it’s so generic.

The best cover letters showcase your knowledge of the company you’re applying for. Always research your organization before applying for a job. Learn about its values, leadership, past projects, and clients.

Those things above are great points to mention in your cover letter to prove that you understand the company for which you’re trying to get a job. If you’re invited, it’ll also help you be more prepared for the upcoming interview.

Addressing Gaps and Overcoming Obstacles in Your Career Path

When you change careers, you might have some gaps in your work history. This part of your cover letter can help you explain those gaps effectively.

Acknowledging Gaps

It’s okay to have breaks in your job history. Be honest about them in your cover letter. Talk about why you weren’t working for some time. You may be learning new things, working on personal growth, or preparing for a big change. Make sure to tell them how these times helped you grow and learn.

Highlighting Learning and Growth

Did you learn new things or volunteer somewhere during your breaks from work? Talk about these experiences in your cover letter. This shows you like to keep learning and growing, making you a great job choice, even if your career path has twists and turns.

Projecting Confidence

Even if your career path is not straightforward, be proud of it in your cover letter. Tell them how your different experiences make you a special candidate. Your unique skills can help the company in new and exciting ways.

Explain Why You’re Changing Careers

People often wonder why someone would change their career. It’s important to answer this question in your cover letter. Tell them the good things about your old job and how they connect to what you want to do now. Always speak positively about your past and focus on your future goals.

Show Passion

Skills are important, but so is your passion for the job. In your cover letter, you must show that you care about this new career. Tell them why you are excited about this change and how you have prepared for it, like reading about the industry or taking classes.

Prove that You Understand the Company

A great cover letter shows you know a lot about the company for which you want to work. Do your homework before you apply. Find out what the company does, what it values, and its goals. Then, in your cover letter, discuss why you’re a good match for them.

Using these tips in your cover letter can help employers see beyond the gaps in your resume and understand why you’re a great fit for the job.

Free Career Change Cover Samples

Below are career change cover letter samples:

Career Change Cover Samples 01
Career Change Cover Samples 01


Career Change Cover Samples 02
Career Change Cover Samples 02


Career Change Cover Samples 03
Career Change Cover Samples 03


Career Change Cover Samples 04
Career Change Cover Samples 04


Career Change Cover Samples 05
Career Change Cover Samples 05


Career Change Cover Samples 06
Career Change Cover Samples 06


Career Change Cover Samples 07
Career Change Cover Samples 07


Career Change Cover Samples 08
Career Change Cover Samples 08


Career Change Cover Samples 09
Career Change Cover Samples 09


Career Change Cover Samples 10
Career Change Cover Samples 10


Starting to Write a Career Change Cover Letter

Now that you’ve learned all of the points above about what makes a persuasive career change cover letter, it’s time to start making one yourself. If you’re not sure where to start, there’s no need to worry—we’ve got tons and tons of templates available for you.

FAQs About Career Change Cover Letters

What does a career change cover letter do?

A career change cover letter tells why you want to switch jobs and shows off the skills and experiences that make you suitable for the new job, even if it’s in a different area than before.

How long should my career change cover letter be?

Keep your career change cover letter short, up to one page. Try to write about three to four paragraphs covering your skills, experiences, and why you want to change your job.

What should I include in my career change cover letter?

You should explain briefly why you want to change careers, discuss your skills that can be used in any job, show how excited you are about the new job, and prove that you know a lot about the company you’re applying to.

Can I use the same cover letter for every job I apply to?

It’s better to use a different cover letter for all jobs. Write a unique cover letter for each job, showing that you know about the company and want the job.

What if I had gaps in my work when I wasn’t working?

Be open about any times you weren’t working. Talk about what you did during that time, like learning new things, volunteering, or doing freelance work, and how it has prepared you for this new job.

What if I’ve never worked in the industry I want to enter?

Talk about your skills that can be used in any job, like leading, talking well, solving problems, and managing projects. Also, mention any activities or classes you’ve taken to prepare for this new field.

How can I show my excitement about the new job in my cover letter?

Share stories about things you’ve done that relate to the new job, like volunteering in the field or taking courses. Explain how these things made you sure you want to switch careers.

How should my cover letter sound?

Your cover letter should sound professional but also exciting. Make sure to show you’re happy about the chance to do something new, but keep it formal.

Should I talk about how much money I want to make in my cover letter?

Usually, it’s best not to discuss money in your cover letter unless the job ad asks you to. Save that conversation for later if they are interested in hiring you.

What’s the biggest thing to avoid in my cover letter?

Don’t spend too much time talking about why you don’t like your current job. Instead, focus on why you are excited about the new opportunity. Always talk about the good parts of changing your career.

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